How the Discseel® Procedure works?

During the Discseel® Procedure Fibrin is injected into the torn discs to seal tears within the annulus fibrosus. The Fibrin begins to heal the disc over time. Healing occurs because the biologic injected into the disc sends a signal to the body telling the body what it needs to heal (scientists call this “chemotaxis”). 

The discs begin to heal because collagen, which makes up a disc, is “called” into to the disc. Tears evident before Discseel®, seal with fibrin after treatment. More importantly, during the next year the disc continues to heal, thus allowing the person to avoid surgery. In some instances, patients have discs with endplates that no longer function, thus not allowing a disc to repair. Unfortunately, there is no test that shows whether the endplate of a disc is functioning. 

Research shows that 70% of patients who are treated with the Discseel® Procedure report they get better regarding pain, function, and quality of life. It’s important to note that of that 70%, most are patients who have failed almost all prior treatments and surgeries.  

Why the Discseel® Procedure works?

The Discseel® Procedure uses a substance called Fibrin that is made from human blood. It is an FDA-approved drug that is used off-label, analogous to corticosteroid used for epidural injections. Corticosteroid is an FDA approved drug, but is not indicated for the epidural space, yet physicians recognize its help with patient’s back pain. Dr. Kirkland uses non-autologous Fibrin in the same manner. He introduces it into damaged discs in your lumbar and/or cervical spine. It seals the disc, becoming a part of the disc, and then promotes disc tissue to grow in patient’s discs. 

During the Discseel® Procedure, part of the process is to look for torn discs as evidenced through live x-rays obtained during the Annulogram and then, seal the torn discs with Fibrin during the Discseel® Procedure. The goal of the Fibrin is to seal torn, leaky discs and promote regrowth of disc tissue.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Biologics?

Biologics or biopharmaceuticals are a highly-effective class of medicines that are based on naturally occurring proteins and produced using living cells.

Our Biologics are manufactured from highly refined natural substances, found in the human body using state-of-the-art biotechnology manufacturing techniques with high quality standards.

The Discseel® procedure is comprised of highly purified and exact parts of fibrinogen, prothrombin, the two essential blood proteins involved in the formation of a disc healing. We also introduce an antibiotic into the disc to eliminate infection risk.

Candidates for the Discseel® Procedure typically include anyone suffering from spinal disc-related issues, such as disc tears, herniations, sciatica, or degeneration, who have not found relief through other forms of treatment. 

Because spinal disc tears and degeneration are the root cause of most neck and back pain, we will work with you to determine whether this is the root cause of your pain.

We encourage patients considering the Discseel Procedure to request to schedule a free consultation, where you can get answers to your questions or concerns.

Yes – Patients who have previously undergone spine surgery are viable candidates for the Discseel Procedure, providing an alternative avenue for those seeking relief from persistent spinal disc-related issues.

If you have a history of spine surgery schedule a free consultation with Dr. Kirkland to assess your specific condition and determine the suitability of the Discseel Procedure as a complementary or standalone approach to address disc-related problems.

Approximately 80% of patients treated with the procedure, who had previously undergone a failed spinal procedure, reported a positive outcome in their condition. This positive outcome is characterized by a reduction in pain and improvement in both function and overall symptoms. 

Notably, these patients had exhausted or found little success with other treatment options prior to undergoing the Discseel Procedure. The definition of “better” in this context encompasses improvements in both functional abilities and the alleviation of pain and symptoms, indicating a substantial success rate for those who have undergone the Discseel Procedure after experiencing challenges with previous spinal interventions.

No, the Discseel Procedure is not currently covered by insurance.

While a specific amount can’t be given until the doctor evaluates your case, Discseel® Procedure generally costs less than 25% of what a spinal fusion would cost.

The goal is that you only have the procedure once. About 10% of patients return because they either tear the disc again, or they saw some improvement and feel trying it again may give them even better outcomes improvement. On occasion, a patient that does not get better, we offer to help them by considering other options such as diagnostic tests, and if related to disc pain, perhaps trying another biologic such as lumbar PRP or stem cells (harvested from the patient’s Bone Marrow)

Nobility Pain Management

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Nobility Pain Management

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